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The one thing that changed my job search trajectory


Many factors may determine how successful you will be in your job search journey. Many of them we regularly cover here on our blog, such as resumes, networking, among others.

However, today I would like to help you by providing one additional insight from the strategic point of view.

For every single initiative in this trajectory is expected some level of return from the efforts we dedicate. But there is one that provided me with a higher level of return in my job search: Specialization.

Canada is different in this matter. Probably North America in general, I would say. Overall, it is expected clear evidence of skills and experience in alignment with the job description responsibilities.

Careful when writing your resume or during interviews. The situation gets complicated when we mention additional things that we did in our career not necessarily related to that particular job position. The result: You may be qualified as overqualified or not in alignment with the job expectations.

Although it sounds weird, this is the way how, in general, a hiring process is conducted. I say in general because there are exceptions but in a lower number.

It is critical from the candidate’s perspective to understand this cultural approach when recruiters are analyzing your application. With that said, I have some tips for you to be successful in your job search with specialization.

Industry analysis

When it comes to positioning yourself as a specialized professional in the Canadian market, start searching for job titles in your industry. Normally the names of them are different when compared with the same kind of position in other countries. The difference includes the hierarchy of the position as well. My recommendation is to research all the job titles related to your industry and, from there, make a list with the ones you understand are more in alignment with the skills and experience you have.

Try to position yourself only and exclusively according to the expectations. It will increase your chances of being considered in a hiring process with many applicants. If the current job description is not requesting, do not include it.

Example? Does not make sense to include in your resume that you have photoshop skills if it is not requested in the job description. Avoid positioning yourself as a generalist unless when required and specified in the job description.

Tools and certifications

Pay attention to the required tools for the position you are looking for. Normally they are emphasized along with the job description. Proficiency in the tools required in a particular role is very appreciate because they work as an indicator from the recruiter’s point of view that you have the knowledge to execute what is expected for that position.

If the tools have some element that could prove your proficiency, like a software certification, for instance, I highly recommend investing in them. Certifications work as a piece of strong evidence to support your skills.

In addition, what can positively transform your experience ‘and have a powerful portfolio where you demonstrate your full delivery potential.

I already wrote about it in a previous article 5 tips on how to compose your portfolio


When reframing yourself as a specialized in a particular area or position, I recommend mentioning only related deliverables to help you apply as a strong candidate.

Even though you may have relevant past achievements, if they are not related to the position you are looking for, put them aside in your application, giving more visibility for the things you did in alignment with the job description.

My takeaways

It’s all about alignment and how you show up as a strong candidate for a particular position. Try to understand that the recruiter is responsible for finding candidates as close as possible to the job expectations.

Even though in the future you may be required to execute tasks requiring a broader set of skills, during the hiring process it is critical to align yourself only with what is required to increase your chances of success.

If you need to improve, update, or get more skills, use Linkedin learning as a fast track to getting them.

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