Bank of Canada – Stage pour étudiant à la maîtrise – Ontario

Company: Bank of Canada

Location: Ontario

Expected salary:

Job date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 04:29:58 GMT

Job description: Stage pour étudiant à la maîtriseTenez un rôle centralLa Banque du Canada s’est donné comme vision d’être une banque centrale influente – dynamique, engagée et digne de confiance – mobilisée pour un Canada meilleur. Aucun autre employeur ne vous offrira l’occasion d’œuvrer au cœur même de l’économie canadienne, au sein d’une organisation diversifiée et inclusive dont le travail a une incidence considérable sur le bien-être économique et financier des Canadiens. Nous prônons trois qui définissent qui nous sommes et comment nous travaillons ensemble : anticiper l’avenir, inclure tout le monde et inspirer confiance.Pour en savoir plus sur les prochaines étapes de notre processus d’embauche veuillez consulterDescription du poste
En tant que stagiaire, vous travaillez sous la supervision du directeur dont relève votre section d’affectation. Les principales responsabilités de tous les postes sont les suivantes :

  • mener des travaux d’analyse ou de recherche de grande qualité sur des sujets liés aux responsabilités de la section
  • recueillir, organiser et traiter les données provenant de sources internes et externes
  • contribuez aux activités ou aux travaux d’analyse menés par l’équipe afin de permettre au département dont elle relève de réaliser son mandat et de s’acquitter de ses responsabilités.

Vos connaissances et compétences

  • communiquer des renseignements et des idées, en tenant compte du public cible et en s’exprimant de façon claire et intéressante, que ce soit par écrit ou oralement
  • évaluer les problèmes en tenant compte de multiples facteurs et points de vue, et de mener une analyse approfondie
  • intégrer dans le cadre de son travail les connaissances et les compétences acquises dans différents secteurs spécialisés et complexes, p. ex., analyse des marchés financiers, de l’économie et des questions de réglementation
  • collaborer efficacement avec ses coéquipiers, avec d’autres équipes et départements ainsi qu’avec des personnes-ressources à l’extérieur de la Banque, de même que de travailler de façon autonome
  • programmer en langages mathématiques et statistiques courants


  • titre d’analyste financier agréé (CFA), gestionnaire de risques financiers (FRM) ou titre similaire, ou participation à un programme décernant ce type de titre
  • solide formation en méthodes quantitatives
  • solide connaissance des systèmes de négociation
  • connaissance du système financier canadien

Vos études et votre expérience
Afin que l’on puisse étudier votre dossier, vous devez être inscrit à un programme de stages menant à l’obtention d’une maîtrise en finance ou en économie.Présentation du dossier de candidature
Les candidatures doivent être soumises en ligne et comprendre les pièces justificatives obligatoires suivantes :

  • un curriculum vitæ à jour
  • une lettre de présentation
  • les relevés de notes officiels de vos études universitaires de premier cycle ou du plus haut niveau d’études atteint (indiquez clairement dans votre demande la liste des cours pertinents que vous avez suivis)

Exigence linguistique
Anglais ou français essentiel​Ce que vous pouvez attendre de la Banque
Saisissez cette occasion unique de faire partie d’une équipe très performante au sein d’une grande organisation.

  • Le salaire est 29 17$, (heure) (niveau Étudiant C)

Renseignements supplémentaires

  • La priorité est donnée aux citoyens canadiens et aux résidents permanents.
  • Niveau de sécurité requis: Être éligible à l’obtention du niveau fiabilité ou secret.
  • Aucune aide à la réinstallation ne sera fournie.

Télétravail/ Modele de travail hybride #LI-RemoteLa Banque propose des modalités de travail qui offrent une certaine souplesse aux employés, permettant la formation d’équipes performantes et favorisant une excellente culture de travail. Dans le cadre du modèle de travail hybride de la Banque, la plupart des employés peuvent faire du télétravail à domicile pendant une grande partie de chaque mois, et sont attendus d’être présents sur les lieux de travail de la Banque au moins huit jours par mois pour aider à créer des liens entre collègues. Vous devrez vivre à une distance raisonnable du bureau.Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui manifestent un intérêt en soumettant leur candidature à ce poste. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec celles retenues pour une entrevue.

Bank of Canada – Stage pour étudiant à la maîtrise – Ontario

Company: Bank of Canada

Location: Ontario

Expected salary:

Job date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 22:26:46 GMT

Job description: Stage pour étudiant à la maîtriseTenez un rôle centralLa Banque du Canada s’est donné comme vision d’être une banque centrale influente – dynamique, engagée et digne de confiance – mobilisée pour un Canada meilleur. Aucun autre employeur ne vous offrira l’occasion d’œuvrer au cœur même de l’économie canadienne, au sein d’une organisation diversifiée et inclusive dont le travail a une incidence considérable sur le bien-être économique et financier des Canadiens. Nous prônons trois qui définissent qui nous sommes et comment nous travaillons ensemble : anticiper l’avenir, inclure tout le monde et inspirer confiance.Pour en savoir plus sur les prochaines étapes de notre processus d’embauche veuillez consulterDescription du poste
En tant que stagiaire, vous travaillez sous la supervision du directeur dont relève votre section d’affectation. Les principales responsabilités de tous les postes sont les suivantes :

  • mener des travaux d’analyse ou de recherche de grande qualité sur des sujets liés aux responsabilités de la section
  • recueillir, organiser et traiter les données provenant de sources internes et externes
  • contribuez aux activités ou aux travaux d’analyse menés par l’équipe afin de permettre au département dont elle relève de réaliser son mandat et de s’acquitter de ses responsabilités.

Vos connaissances et compétences

  • communiquer des renseignements et des idées, en tenant compte du public cible et en s’exprimant de façon claire et intéressante, que ce soit par écrit ou oralement
  • évaluer les problèmes en tenant compte de multiples facteurs et points de vue, et de mener une analyse approfondie
  • intégrer dans le cadre de son travail les connaissances et les compétences acquises dans différents secteurs spécialisés et complexes, p. ex., analyse des marchés financiers, de l’économie et des questions de réglementation
  • collaborer efficacement avec ses coéquipiers, avec d’autres équipes et départements ainsi qu’avec des personnes-ressources à l’extérieur de la Banque, de même que de travailler de façon autonome
  • programmer en langages mathématiques et statistiques courants


  • titre d’analyste financier agréé (CFA), gestionnaire de risques financiers (FRM) ou titre similaire, ou participation à un programme décernant ce type de titre
  • solide formation en méthodes quantitatives
  • solide connaissance des systèmes de négociation
  • connaissance du système financier canadien

Vos études et votre expérience
Afin que l’on puisse étudier votre dossier, vous devez être inscrit à un programme de stages menant à l’obtention d’une maîtrise en finance ou en économie.Présentation du dossier de candidature
Les candidatures doivent être soumises en ligne et comprendre les pièces justificatives obligatoires suivantes :

  • un curriculum vitæ à jour
  • une lettre de présentation
  • les relevés de notes officiels de vos études universitaires de premier cycle ou du plus haut niveau d’études atteint (indiquez clairement dans votre demande la liste des cours pertinents que vous avez suivis)

Exigence linguistique
Anglais ou français essentiel​Ce que vous pouvez attendre de la Banque
Saisissez cette occasion unique de faire partie d’une équipe très performante au sein d’une grande organisation.

  • Le salaire est 29 17$, (heure) (niveau Étudiant C)

Renseignements supplémentaires

  • La priorité est donnée aux citoyens canadiens et aux résidents permanents.
  • Niveau de sécurité requis: Être éligible à l’obtention du niveau fiabilité ou secret.
  • Aucune aide à la réinstallation ne sera fournie.

Télétravail/ Modele de travail hybride #LI-RemoteLa Banque propose des modalités de travail qui offrent une certaine souplesse aux employés, permettant la formation d’équipes performantes et favorisant une excellente culture de travail. Dans le cadre du modèle de travail hybride de la Banque, la plupart des employés peuvent faire du télétravail à domicile pendant une grande partie de chaque mois, et sont attendus d’être présents sur les lieux de travail de la Banque au moins huit jours par mois pour aider à créer des liens entre collègues. Vous devrez vivre à une distance raisonnable du bureau.Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui manifestent un intérêt en soumettant leur candidature à ce poste. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec celles retenues pour une entrevue.

Bank of Canada – Stagiaire au doctorat – Ontario

Company: Bank of Canada

Location: Ontario

Expected salary:

Job date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 22:30:15 GMT

Job description: Stagiaire au doctoratTenez un rôle centralLa Banque du Canada s’est donné comme vision d’être une banque centrale influente – dynamique, engagée et digne de confiance – mobilisée pour un Canada meilleur. Aucun autre employeur ne vous offrira l’occasion d’œuvrer au cœur même de l’économie canadienne, au sein d’une organisation diversifiée et inclusive dont le travail a une incidence considérable sur le bien-être économique et financier des Canadiens. Nous prônons trois qui définissent qui nous sommes et comment nous travaillons ensemble : anticiper l’avenir, inclure tout le monde et inspirer confiance.Pour en savoir plus sur les prochaines étapes de notre processus d’embauche veuillez consulterDescription du poste
La période de stage peut être déterminée avec une certaine flexibilité. Vous consacrerez de deux à quatre mois à la rédaction de votre thèse, ainsi qu’à la présentation et à la promotion de votre recherche. Dans ce cadre de travail, vous trouverez une foule d’occasions d’acquérir des compétences, de vous perfectionner et de tisser un réseau de relations avec des chercheurs de la Banque de même qu’avec les universitaires réputés invités régulièrement par l’institution. Pendant votre stage, vous pourriez également avoir la possibilité d’accéder aux données de la Banque.Admissibilité
Les candidats doivent être citoyens canadiens ou résidents permanents, avoir réussi leurs examens de synthèse et être en règle avec le programme de doctorat.Principales exigences du poste
Votre candidature sera examinée en fonction des principales exigences ci-dessous. Vous devez soumettre une lettre de présentation qui montre en quoi vos domaines de recherche sont pertinents pour la Banque, votre curriculum vitae, un résumé détaillé ou une version préliminaire d’au moins un article ou chapitre de votre thèse, ainsi qu’une lettre de recommandation de votre directeur de thèse à l’appui de votre candidature.

  • compétences en rédaction : capacité de rédiger des documents efficaces
  • aptitudes pour la recherche : capacité d’analyser de l’information économique et financière complexe en recourant à ses compétences en recherche empirique ou en modélisation
  • recherches portant sur au moins un des domaines suivants :
  • macroéconomie et économie monétaire
  • systèmes bancaires et de paiement
  • économie internationale
  • marchés mondiaux des produits de base
  • économie financière
  • marchés financiers et institutions financières
  • économie du travail et démographie économique
  • méthodes mathématiques et quantitatives
  • organisation industrielle
  • droit et économie


  • autres travaux de recherche
  • expérience de la présentation de travaux de recherche dans le cadre de colloques, d’activités spéciales et de réunions

Exigence linguistique
Anglais ou français essentielCe que vous pouvez attendre de nous
Saisissez cette occasion unique de faire partie d’une équipe très performante au sein d’une grande organisation.

  • Le salaire offert dans le cadre du stage s’établit à 6 035 $ par mois.

Renseignements supplémentaires

  • Niveau de sécurité requis: Être éligible à l’obtention du niveau fiabilité ou secret.
  • Aucune aide à la réinstallation ne sera fournie.

Télétravail/ Modele de travail hybride #LI-RemoteLa Banque propose des modalités de travail qui offrent une certaine souplesse aux employés, permettant la formation d’équipes performantes et favorisant une excellente culture de travail. Dans le cadre du modèle de travail hybride de la Banque, la plupart des employés peuvent faire du télétravail à domicile pendant une grande partie de chaque mois, et sont attendus d’être présents sur les lieux de travail de la Banque au moins huit jours par mois pour aider à créer des liens entre collègues. Vous devrez vivre à une distance raisonnable du bureau.Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui manifestent un intérêt en soumettant leur candidature à ce poste. Nous communiquerons uniquement avec celles retenues pour une entrevue.

Bank of Canada – Master’s Internship – Ottawa, ON

Company: Bank of Canada

Location: Ottawa, ON

Expected salary: $29.17 per hour

Job date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 22:51:29 GMT

Job description: Master’s InternshipTake a central roleThe Bank of Canada has a vision to be “a leading central bank—dynamic, engaged and trusted—committed to a better Canada.” No other employer in the country offers you the unique opportunity to work at the very centre of Canada’s economy, in a diverse and inclusive organization with significant impact on the economic and financial well-being of all Canadians. We embrace three that define who we are and how we work together; think ahead, include everyone, and inspire confidence.Find out more about the next steps in our .About the position
As an intern, you would work under the direction of the Director responsible for the particular division in which you are located. Key responsibilities for all the positions include the following:

  • conducting high-quality analysis and research on subjects related to the responsibility of the division
  • collecting, organizing and manipulating data from internal and external data sources
  • contribute to the analysis and/or operations conducted by the team to fulfill the mandate/responsibilities of the hiring departments.

Your knowledge and skills

  • communicate information and ideas adapted to the target audience, using clear and compelling written and oral communication skills
  • bring a range of considerations to issues and to conduct careful analysis
  • integrate specialized and complex areas of expertise, e.g., financial market analysis, economic analysis and regulatory issues analysis
  • work collaboratively and effectively with others within the team, across teams, with other departments and with contacts outside of the Bank, as well as independently
  • program in common mathematical or statistical languages


  • completion of, or enrolment in, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Financial Risk Manager (FRM) or similar program
  • strong background in quantitative methods
  • strong background in trading systems
  • knowledge of the Canadian financial system

Your education and experience
For your candidacy to be considered, you must be currently enrolled in a master’s degree program in finance or economicsApplications instructions
All applicants must submit a completed online application that includes the following documentations to support their candidacy:

  • a current curriculum vitae
  • cover letter
  • official or unofficial transcripts of your undergraduate academic record. Relevant courses you have attended must be clearly identified by their course titles

Language requirement
English or French essentialWhat you can expect from us
This is a great opportunity to join a leading organization and be part of a high-performing team.

  • Salary is $29.17 (hourly) (job grade Student C)

Additional information

  • Priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents
  • Security level required: Be eligible to obtain Reliability or Secret
  • There will be no relocation assistance provided

Remote Work / Hybrid Work Model #LI-RemoteThe Bank offers work arrangements that provide employees with flexibility, enable high-performing teams, and support an excellent workplace culture. Most employees can telework from home for a substantial part of each month as part of the Bank`s hybrid work model, and they are expected on site at the Bank location a minimum of eight days per month to help build connections between colleagues. You must live in Canada, and within reasonable commuting distance of the office.We wish to thank all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

Bank of Canada – PhD Internship – Ottawa, ON

Company: Bank of Canada

Location: Ottawa, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Tue, 03 Sep 2024 22:58:03 GMT

Job description: PhD InternshipTake a central roleThe Bank of Canada has a vision to be “a leading central bank—dynamic, engaged and trusted—committed to a better Canada.” No other employer in the country offers you the unique opportunity to work at the very centre of Canada’s economy, in a diverse and inclusive organization with significant impact on the economic and financial well-being of all Canadians. We embrace three that define who we are and how we work together; think ahead, include everyone, and inspire confidence.Find out more about the next steps in our .About the position
The timing of the internship is flexible. You will spend two to four months pursuing your dissertation as well as presenting and promoting your research. As part of this environment, you will find a wealth of opportunities to grow and build your professional expertise and network with fellow researchers who work at the Bank as well as external leading academics who regularly visit. During your internship, you may also have an opportunity to access the Bank’s data sets.Eligibility
Candidates must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents and should have passed their comprehensive examinations and are expected to be in good standing in the PhD program.Key Requirements
Your application will be evaluated against the key requirements listed below. You must submit a cover letter which demonstrates how your research interests are relevant to the Bank, your curriculum vitae, an extended abstract or an early draft of at least one paper or chapter from your thesis and a letter of recommendation from your advisor supporting your application.

  • writing skills: the ability to produce effective written documents
  • research skills: ability to analyze complex economic and financial information, using empirical and/or modelling skills
  • research interest in one or more of the following areas:
  • Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
  • Banking and Payment Systems
  • International Economics
  • Global Commodity Markets
  • Financial Economics
  • Financial Markets and Institutions
  • Labour and Demographic Economics
  • Mathematical and Quantitative Methods
  • Industrial Organization
  • Law and Economics


  • Other research papers
  • Experience in presenting research at conferences, events and meetings

Language requirement
English or French essentialWhat you can expect from us
This is a great opportunity to join a leading organization and be part of a high-performing team.

  • The internship offers a compensation of $$6,035 per month.

Additional information

  • Security level required: Be eligible to obtain Reliability or Secret
  • There will be no relocation assistance provided

Remote Work / Hybrid Work Model #LI-RemoteThe Bank offers work arrangements that provide employees with flexibility, enable high-performing teams, and support an excellent workplace culture. Most employees can telework from home for a substantial part of each month as part of the Bank`s hybrid work model, and they are expected on site at the Bank location a minimum of eight days per month to help build connections between colleagues. You must live in Canada, and within reasonable commuting distance of the office.We wish to thank all applicants for their interest and effort in applying for this position. Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

GHD – Contaminated Sites and Remediation – Hydrogeology Graduate – Toronto – Toronto, ON

Company: GHD

Location: Toronto, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 03:30:52 GMT

Job description: Job Description:There’s no pledge more important than the one we make to look after our environment, and we’re committed to helping you do exactly that.At GHD, we are focused on the development of our entry-level technical staff. We have ongoing opportunities for networking, training, mentoring, as well as exposure to different business areas and career paths. At GHD our interns and entry-level professionals are actively involved in a variety of projects that will develop their technical and professional skills.Join us as we strive to ensure a sustainable future for our communities and the world we live in.Become part of our global network of skilled engineers, scientists, auditors, planners and environmental specialists, all working together to leave this world better than we found it.Bring your curiosity and passion to the technical challenges we solve at GHD. Then see how everyone gets behind you.With commitment, there’s no idea too big, no dream too far. We strive to create opportunity for all. Giving you leading training and development programmes to accelerate your growth.Come and see where your career can take you and the impact your commitment can make.Let’s solve the big problems together.GHD is looking for a Junior Hydrogeologist/Environmental Engineer/Environmental Scientist to join the Hydrogeology Group in our Toronto, Ontario office. This position is a great opportunity to be part of an established Hydrogeology practice in Canada with a bright future ahead. The Hydrogeology Group works on a variety of projects including infrastructure tunneling, linear infrastructure, and land development projects. Office, field, and hydrogeological support is also provided internally for a variety of environmental projects. Estimated approximately 50% of time outside the office in the field, although this may vary seasonally.Responsibilities:Office Work and Report Writing

  • Data compilation, interpretation, and analysis of geochemical and hydrogeologic field and analytical data for technical and environmental reports
  • Assist in the preparation of data tables, stratigraphic logs, and figures, as required
  • Contribute to the preparation of draft technical memos, reports, and deliverables including but not limited to environmental investigation summary reports, remedial design, design project specifications, annual monitoring reports, operations support, design reports, detailed design, and permitting
  • Assisting Project Managers with proposal writing
  • Interpret engineering drawings/plans

Field Work

  • Conduct soil sampling, groundwater sampling, and surface water sampling
  • Responsible for construction oversight tasks including drilling, monitoring well installation, excavation, or other construction projects
  • May also be involved with well development, single well response testing, or other field activities
  • Travel to various sites throughout southern Ontario will be required.
  • Adhere to GHD and client’s safety requirements
  • Liaise with subcontractors, client representatives, and/or agencies, as required

Project Coordination

  • Assisting Project Managers with the development of work plans, change orders, sampling plans, and health and safety plans associated with environmental investigations
  • Assist in the coordination of technical resources and personnel including drafting, database, chemistry, and staff throughout project duration
  • Assist with contract administration for construction, as required
  • Assist with tracking budgets and preparing invoices, as required

Skills, Competencies & Qualifications:

  • Degree in Geology, Earth Science, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution
  • 0-2 years of relevant experience. Previous experience working in environmental consulting or relevant co-ops/internship experience would be considered an asset
  • Eligibility to register as a E.I.T. or G.I.T. would be considered an asset
  • Ability to perform field tasks, including working in inclement weather conditions in remote areas
  • Excellent time management, organization, and problem-solving skills
  • Self-motivated, able to manage multiple tasks, and meet challenging deadlines
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Team player, cooperate with other staff, subcontractors, clients, and other stakeholders
  • Intermediate knowledge of MS Office is required
  • Valid driver’s license and access to a reliable vehicle preferred

As a diverse and inclusive organization, we encourage individual achievement and recognize the strength of a diverse workforce. GHD is an equal opportunity employer. Upon request, GHD will provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment and selection processAbout Us: Take on some of the world’s toughest challenges – with GHD supporting you every step of the way.We’ll give you control over your career, empower you to find innovative solutions and help you create a lasting impact.See where your commitment could take you with GHD.Our Pledge to You
At GHD, we don’t just believe in the power of commitment, we live and breathe it every day.That’s why we pledge to empower our people to make a positive impact. Combining our deep technical expertise with the capabilities of our clients and partners, we respond to some of the most complex challenges facing our planet today.See where your commitment could take you.
That’s the #PowerOfCommitmentWho we are
GHD is a global professional services company that leads through engineering, architecture, and construction expertise. We are an employee-owned company with over 11,000 diverse and skilled individuals, across more than 200 offices spanning five continents.
The Power of Commitment is our brand promise. It’s what makes us different. We are bound to our stated vision and determination to address humanity’s most urgent needs: to make water, energy and urbanisation sustainable for generations to come.

GHD – Contaminated Sites and Remediation – Hydrogeology Graduate- Waterloo – Waterloo, ON

Company: GHD

Location: Waterloo, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 00:01:00 GMT

Job description: Job Description:There’s no pledge more important than the one we make to look after our environment, and we’re committed to helping you do exactly that.At GHD, we are focused on the development of our entry-level technical staff. We have ongoing opportunities for networking, training, mentoring, as well as exposure to different business areas and career paths. At GHD our interns and entry-level professionals are actively involved in a variety of projects that will develop their technical and professional skills.Join us as we strive to ensure a sustainable future for our communities and the world we live in.Become part of our global network of skilled engineers, scientists, auditors, planners and environmental specialists, all working together to leave this world better than we found it.Bring your curiosity and passion to the technical challenges we solve at GHD. Then see how everyone gets behind you.With commitment, there’s no idea too big, no dream too far. We strive to create opportunity for all. Giving you leading training and development programmes to accelerate your growth.Come and see where your career can take you and the impact your commitment can make.Let’s solve the big problems together.GHD is looking for a Junior Hydrogeologist/Environmental Engineer/Environmental Scientist to join the Hydrogeology Group in our Waterloo – ON office. This position is a great opportunity to be part of an established Hydrogeology practice in Canada with a bright future ahead. The Hydrogeology Group works on a variety of projects including infrastructure tunneling, linear infrastructure, and land development projects. Office, field, and hydrogeological support is also provided internally for a variety of environmental projects. Estimated approximately 50% of time outside the office in the field, although this may vary seasonally.Responsibilities:Office Work and Report Writing

  • Data compilation, interpretation, and analysis of geochemical and hydrogeologic field and analytical data for technical and environmental reports
  • Assist in the preparation of data tables, stratigraphic logs, and figures, as required
  • Contribute to the preparation of draft technical memos, reports, and deliverables including but not limited to environmental investigation summary reports, remedial design, design project specifications, annual monitoring reports, operations support, design reports, detailed design, and permitting
  • Assisting Project Managers with proposal writing
  • Interpret engineering drawings/plans

Field Work

  • Conduct soil sampling, groundwater sampling, and surface water sampling
  • Responsible for construction oversight tasks including drilling, monitoring well installation, excavation, or other construction projects
  • May also be involved with well development, single well response testing, or other field activities
  • Travel to various sites throughout southern Ontario will be required.
  • Adhere to GHD and client’s safety requirements
  • Liaise with subcontractors, client representatives, and/or agencies, as required

Project Coordination

  • Assisting Project Managers with the development of work plans, change orders, sampling plans, and health and safety plans associated with environmental investigations
  • Assist in the coordination of technical resources and personnel including drafting, database, chemistry, and staff throughout project duration
  • Assist with contract administration for construction, as required
  • Assist with tracking budgets and preparing invoices, as required

Skills, Competencies & Qualifications:

  • Degree in Geology, Earth Science, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, or equivalent from a recognized post-secondary institution
  • 0-2 years of relevant experience. Previous experience working in environmental consulting or relevant co-ops/internship experience would be considered an asset
  • Eligibility to register as a E.I.T. or G.I.T. would be considered an asset
  • Ability to perform field tasks, including working in inclement weather conditions in remote areas
  • Excellent time management, organization, and problem-solving skills
  • Self-motivated, able to manage multiple tasks, and meet challenging deadlines
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Team player, cooperate with other staff, subcontractors, clients, and other stakeholders
  • Intermediate knowledge of MS Office is required
  • Valid driver’s license and access to a reliable vehicle preferred

As a diverse and inclusive organization, we encourage individual achievement and recognize the strength of a diverse workforce. GHD is an equal opportunity employer. Upon request, GHD will provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment and selection processAbout Us: Take on some of the world’s toughest challenges – with GHD supporting you every step of the way.We’ll give you control over your career, empower you to find innovative solutions and help you create a lasting impact.See where your commitment could take you with GHD.Our Pledge to You
At GHD, we don’t just believe in the power of commitment, we live and breathe it every day.That’s why we pledge to empower our people to make a positive impact. Combining our deep technical expertise with the capabilities of our clients and partners, we respond to some of the most complex challenges facing our planet today.See where your commitment could take you.
That’s the #PowerOfCommitmentWho we are
GHD is a global professional services company that leads through engineering, architecture, and construction expertise. We are an employee-owned company with over 11,000 diverse and skilled individuals, across more than 200 offices spanning five continents.
The Power of Commitment is our brand promise. It’s what makes us different. We are bound to our stated vision and determination to address humanity’s most urgent needs: to make water, energy and urbanisation sustainable for generations to come.

Reddit – Software Engineer, iOS – Conversation Experiences – Ontario

Company: Reddit

Location: Ontario

Expected salary:

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:08:02 GMT

Job description: Reddit is a community of communities. It’s built on shared interests, passion, and trust and is home to the most open and authentic conversations on the internet. Every day, Reddit users submit, vote, and comment on the topics they care most about. With 100,000+ active communities and approximately 82M+ daily active unique visitors, Reddit is one of the internet’s largest sources of information. For more information, visit .The Conversation Experiences team is responsible for one of the highest traffic pages on the platform: the Comments page. We know that conversations are the lifeblood of Reddit, so we strive to ensure viewing content and the surrounding conversation is appealing, intuitive and delightful. This is a high impact role where you will drive related technical & product strategy, operations, architecture, and execution for one of the largest sites in the world.This role can be 100% remote within Canada. If you are located near our office in Toronto, you’re welcome to work a hybrid schedule there as well!What You’ll Do:

  • Work cross-functionally, collaborate and partner with product, design, and other engineering counterparts to execute on product and business strategy and build novel products and features that our users will love.
  • Contribute to the full development cycle: technical design, development, test, experimentation, analysis, and launch. You’ll be reviewing code and design docs, giving feedback on product specs and mocks.
  • Participate with a team of thoughtful, fast-moving, and motivated engineers. Contribute to standards that improve developer workflows, recommend best practices, and help mentor engineers on the team to grow their technical expertise.
  • Continuously learn and improve your technical and non-technical abilities.

Minimum Candidate Qualifications for this role:

  • Minimum of 3+ years of post-internship, full-time, hands-on, professional software development experience developing user-facing iOS mobile native applications at scale, using Swift.
  • Expertise in Swift and Objective-C
  • Familiarity with software engineering best practices such as unit/integration/end-to-end testing, design documents, CI/CD, A/B testing, code reviews, and documentation
  • Strong organizational skills, the ability to prioritize tasks and keep projects on schedule.
  • Excellent communication skills. You collaborate effectively with teams in a fully remote environment and discuss complex topics with technical and non-technical audiences.
  • BS degree in Computer Science, a similar technical field of study or equivalent practical, professional, hands-on experience.
  • You love to build new things and thrive in ambiguity and even failure. You care about innovation.
  • Software development experience in one or more general-purpose programming languages; Java, Python, Go, Rust, C++.
  • Additional knowledge around GraphQL, REST, HTTP basics, and the ability to design maintainable APIs is a plus.


  • Comprehensive Health Benefits
  • Retirement Savings plan with matching contributions
  • Workspace benefits for your home office
  • Personal & Professional development funds
  • Family Planning Support
  • Flexible Vacation & Reddit Global Days Off

Reddit is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to building a workforce representative of the diverse communities we serve. Reddit is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at .

Reddit – iOS Software Engineer III, Subreddit Success – Ontario

Company: Reddit

Location: Ontario

Expected salary:

Job date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 22:05:10 GMT

Job description: Reddit is a community of communities. It’s built on shared interests, passion, and trust and is home to the most open and authentic conversations on the internet. Every day, Reddit users submit, vote, and comment on the topics they care most about. With 100,000+ active communities and approximately 82M+ daily active unique visitors, Reddit is one of the internet’s largest sources of information. For more information, visit .The Subreddit Success team is responsible for helping build and activate more successful communities. Our goal is to ensure that community founders have the right tools at the right time and understand exactly what they need to do to help create and grow their new communities. We also maintain features related to the Subreddit page and care deeply about maintaining and improving the features that shape communities’ individuality. This is a high impact role where you will drive related technical & product strategy, operations, architecture, and execution for one of the largest sites in the world.This role can be 100% remote within Canada. If you are located near our office in Toronto, you’re welcome to work a hybrid schedule there as well!What You’ll Do:

  • Work cross-functionally, collaborate and partner with product, design, and other engineering counterparts to execute on product and business strategy and build novel products and features that our users will love.
  • Contribute to the full development cycle: technical design, development, test, experimentation, analysis, and launch. You’ll be reviewing code and design docs, giving feedback on product specs and mocks.
  • Participate with a team of thoughtful, fast-moving, and motivated engineers. Contribute to standards that improve developer workflows, recommend best practices, and help mentor engineers on the team to grow their technical expertise.
  • Continuously learn and improve your technical and non-technical abilities.

Minimum Candidate Qualifications for this role:

  • Minimum of 3+ years of post-internship, full-time, hands-on, professional software development experience developing user-facing iOS mobile native applications at scale, using Swift.
  • Expertise in Swift and Objective-C
  • Familiarity with software engineering best practices such as unit/integration/end-to-end testing, design documents, CI/CD, A/B testing, code reviews, and documentation
  • Strong organizational skills, the ability to prioritize tasks and keep projects on schedule.
  • Excellent communication skills. You collaborate effectively with teams in a fully remote environment and discuss complex topics with technical and non-technical audiences.
  • BS degree in Computer Science, a similar technical field of study or equivalent practical, professional, hands-on experience.
  • You love to build new things and thrive in ambiguity and even failure. You care about innovation.
  • Software development experience in one or more general-purpose programming languages; Java, Python, Go, Rust, C++.
  • Additional knowledge around GraphQL, REST, HTTP basics, and the ability to design maintainable APIs is a plus.


  • Comprehensive Health benefits
  • 401k Matching
  • Workspace benefits for your home office
  • Personal & Professional development funds
  • Family Planning Support
  • Flexible Vacation & Reddit Global Days Off
  • 4+ months paid Parental Leave
  • Paid Volunteer time off

Reddit is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to building a workforce representative of the diverse communities we serve. Reddit is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at .

Reddit – Staff Software Engineer – Experimentation Platform – Toronto, ON

Company: Reddit

Location: Toronto, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 23:22:18 GMT

Job description: Reddit is a community of communities. It’s built on shared interests, passion, and trust and is home to the most open and authentic conversations on the internet. Every day, Reddit users submit, vote, and comment on the topics they care most about. With 100,000+ active communities and approximately 82M+ daily active unique visitors, Reddit is one of the internet’s largest sources of information. For more information, visit .Reddit is poised to rapidly innovate and grow like no other time in its history, and the Reddit Experimentation Platform is a critical accelerant of that growth. As an engineering leader on the Experimentation Platform Team, you will have Reddit-wide impact supporting our mission to bring community, belonging, and empowerment to everyone in the world. We are excited about empowering innovation at Reddit through actionable and trustworthy experimentation at scale. If you’re passionate about building products that change people’s lives for the better, developing strategies for improving huge-scale products, building-testing-shipping in weeks (not months), and maintaining high-quality work-life balance, then Reddit will be the perfect home for you.We are hiring a Staff Engineer, who will play a critical role in making Reddit’s experimentation platform world-class. We seek a candidate who can bridge the gap between our user-facing features and the underlying infrastructure. Ultimately, this Engineer role will drive the Experimentation Platform Team’s mission to accelerate innovation and growth through actionable, opinionated, and trustworthy A/B testing.Responsibilities:This role spans a wide variety of responsibilities, ranging from building new experimentation platform features, architecting frontend infrastructure, and directing the evolution and adoption of best practices and standards that support experimentation across all Reddit teams and organizations.You will be instrumental in architecting, implementing, and maintaining a state-of-the-art experimentation platform that powers experimentation across all of Reddit. This includes, but is not limited to, building new features into our A/B testing experimentation platforms, building new data products related to experimentation, working cross-functionally to find solutions for the needs of different teams, and improving monitoring and alerting. A successful candidate will work as part of a team to:

  • Design, develop, scale, and support Reddit’s Experimentation Platform.
  • Develop and operate high scale data products with a focus on live site reliability, trustworthiness of analyzed data, and debuggability/actionability for feature teams.
  • Increase developer efficiency through automation, improved signals, workflow streamlining and system optimization.
  • Collaborate cross functionally within the Experimentation Platform Team and across the whole company to find technical solutions to complex design challenges.
  • Participate in the full development cycle: design, development, impact assessment, and deployment.

Required Qualifications:

  • 8+ years of hands-on, post-grad, non-internship, professional Software Development experience
  • Proficiency in front-end and/or backend technologies, including TypeScript/JavaScript (React, Angular, Lit), Python or Golang
  • Experience building or using A/B testing infrastructure as well as building analytics tools or data products.
  • Experience with Postgres/SQL database systems, ideally applied in a large-scale data analysis product (Google BigQuery preferred).
  • Some familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing end-to-end web applications, from database design to user interface implementation.
  • Demonstrated ability to integrate front-end and/or backend systems efficiently.
  • Excellent communication skills. You must be able to collaborate effectively with teams in a fully-remote environment, and negotiate complex requirements with technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Technical leadership experience with a data analysis platform. Understanding of the basics of A/B testing, experimentation, feature rollout, and dynamic configuration.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead a team of developers, providing technical guidance, mentorship, and support.
  • Experience mentoring engineers, owning team processes, and leading cross-functional projects is preferred.

Reddit has a flexible workforce! If you happen to live close to one of our physical office locations our doors are open for you to come into the office as often as you’d like. Don’t live near one of our offices? No worries: You can apply to work remotely from anywhere in the United States, or Ontario and British Columbia, Canada.Reddit is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to building a workforce representative of the diverse communities we serve. Reddit is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, please contact us at .