Stage- Automne- Conception de site web en Oracle / Internship – Fall – Oracle Web Based Tool Development – Raytheon Technologies – Mississauga, ON

Company: Raytheon Technologies

Location: Mississauga, ON

Job description: Date Posted: 2024-04-12Country: CanadaLocation: LOC13055 1801Courtney Park Drive,Mississauga,Ontario,L5T 1J3,CanadaPosition Role Type: UnspecifiedQui sommes-nous ?Chez Pratt & Whitney, nous croyons que le vol motorisé a transformé et continuera de transformer le monde. C’est pourquoi nous travaillons avec le cœur d’un explorateur et le cran d’un perfectionniste pour concevoir, construire et entretenir les moteurs d’avion les plus perfectionnés au monde. Nous le faisons dans le cadre d’un portefeuille diversifié comprenant les moteurs commerciaux, les moteurs militaires, l’aviation d’affaires, l’aviation générale, l’aviation régionale et l’aviation d’hélicoptère, afin de transformer les possibilités en réalités pour nos clients. C’est ainsi que nous abordons notre travail chez Pratt & Whitney, et c’est pourquoi nous sommes inspirés à nous dépasser.Que vous soyez actuellement aux études au baccalauréat ou à la maîtrise, nous pouvons vous aider à exploiter votre potentiel, à améliorer vos compétences et à faire de l’impossible une réalité. Si vous êtes présentement inscrit dans une université canadienne, c’est le moment d’entamer un parcours professionnel susceptible d’avoir un impact et de favoriser l’innovation pour les générations à venir.Chez Pratt & Whitney, la différence que vous faites est visible chaque jour. Il suffit de lever les yeux. Êtes-vous prêt (e) à vous dépasser ?Dates du stage : 3 septembre au 20 décembreEmplacement : Établissement 22 ou 1 (ON ou QC)Consultez notre chaîne YouTube :Notre site web :Nos attentes :Notre équipe développement d’outil de gestion et de conception de site web sont à la recherche de nouvelles idées sur la manière d’améliorer notre ensemble d’outils existants. Nos outils de gestion sont actuellement utilisé dans nos gammes de turbosoufflante, turbopropulseur, Turbomoteur et APU pour concevoir, verifier, et gérer le développement du logiciel du système asservis.Le candidat idéal est responsable de

  • Construire le nouveau contenu de notre outil de gestion en ligne pour les systèmes de contrôle des moteurs d’avion.
  • Optimiser la performance des outils actuels.
  • Améliorer l’interface graphique pour augmenter l’expérience utilisateur.
  • Documenter les fichiers d’aide pour les outils créés ou optimisés.

Si vous êtes capable de travailler de manière indépendante et vous avez une connaissance approfondie de cette discipline et ce rôle, nous vous invitons à poser votre candidature.À quoi ressemblera votre travail quotidien :

  • Exposition au processus de développement logiciel DO-178C
  • Implication dans les discussions sur l’amélioration des processus organisationnels baser sur les leçons apprises et bonnes pratiques
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe, les départements de systèmes de contrôle de P&WC et les départements de logiciels de contrôle pour la mise en œuvre et l’amélioration de logiciels.
  • Participation active au processus d’amélioration continue des méthodes, processus et outils du groupe
  • Analyser la faisabilité des solutions possibles.
  • Mettre les idées en pratique et améliorer continuellement les outils.
  • Documenter les fichiers d’aide pour les outils créés / optimisés.

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour réussir :Les incontournables :

  • Être éligible à travailler au Canada.
  • Être inscrit dans une université canadienne pendant toute la durée de votre stage.
  • Être en mesure de travailler sur place dans la province où vous êtes embauché, le cas échéant.
  • Poursuivre des études au baccalauréat ou à la maîtrise en : Informatique, Génie logiciel, Génie informatique.
  • Expérience professionnelle démontrée en SQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, D3/JQuery, Java, JavaScript, Git, XML, JSON, API.
  • Expérience avec des frameworks PHP, y compris Symphony, Codelgniter, SLiM.
  • Familiarité avec la création de pages web conviviales et faciles à naviguer. Capacité à créer des guides d’utilisation et des fichiers d’aide.
  • Capacité à communiquer efficacement et à travailler avec les membres de l’équipe.
  • Autonome, volonté d’apprendre et de s’adapter.
  • Excellentes capacités de communication en anglais (parlé/écrit). Une bonne connaissance de la langue anglaise, à l’écrit et à l’oral, est requise pour ce poste compte tenu des besoins opérationnels de l’Employeur et des personnes avec lesquelles le candidat sera appelé à interagir.

Atouts :

  • Connaissance des mises en page, des principes graphiques fondamentaux et d’imprimer.
  • Expérience souhaitable en LaTex, Python, Visual Basic, C++.
  • Sens de l’organisation et capacité à travailler sous pression avec des priorités concurrentes et variables

Environnement de travailQuel est mon type de rôle :Hybride – Minimum 3 jours sur site avec 40 heures de travail par semaine.Diversité, équité et inclusionLe pronom masculin est utilisé sans discrimination et uniquement dans le but de faciliter la lecture du texte. P&WC est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l’égalité des chances et qui cherche à promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion. Nous examinerons les candidatures de tous les candidats qualifiés, indépendamment de leur race, de leur couleur, de leur religion, de leur orientation sexuelle, de leur sexe, de leur nationalité, de leur âge, de leur handicap, de leur statut d’ancien combattant ou de tout autre statut protégé par la loi.Veuillez noter que des licences, des permis, des certifications ou d’autres types d’autorisations pourraient être nécessaires si le poste requiert l’accès à des données contrôlées ou à des données soumises à une règle ou à un règlement applicable.EnglishWho we are:At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed and will continue to transform the world. That’s why we work with an explorer’s heart and a perfectionist’s grit to design, build, and service world’s most advanced aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.Whether you are currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree, we can help you harness your potential, advance your skills and make the impossible a reality. If you are currently enrolled in a Canadian university, now is the moment to start a career path that can drive impact and innovation for generations to come.At Pratt & Whitney, the difference you make is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond?Internship dates: September 3rd to December 20thLocation: Plant 22 or 1Check out our YouTube channel:Our website:Our expectations:Our Web-Based Control Systems Software Build Management Designing team is seeking fresh insight on how to improve our existing toolset. This Software Build Management Tool is currently used across our turbofan, turbojet, turboshaft, and APU lines of engines for designing, verifying, and managing the development of the control system and control system software.The ideal candidate is responsible for

  • Build new content of our software build management / requirement management tool for aircraft engine control systems.
  • Optimize the performance of current tool.
  • Improve GUI for enhancing the user experience.
  • Document the help files for created / optimized tools.

If you are a professional able to work quite independently and have a thorough knowledge of the discipline and the role, we invite you to apply.What your day to day will look like:

  • Exposure to DO-178C software development process
  • Involve in discussions for improvement to organizational processes based on lessons learned through implementation.
  • Work closely with the team, P&WC control system departments and control software departments for proper software implementation and improvement.
  • Brainstorm ideas for possible solutions and improvement.
  • Analyze the feasibility of the possible solutions.
  • Implement the ideas and continuously improve the tools.
  • Document the help files for created / optimized tools.

What you need to be successful:Must haves:Be eligible to work in Canada Be enrolled in a Canadian university throughout your internship Be able to work on-site in the province where you are hired Pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in: Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer EngineeringDemonstrated work experience in SQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, D3/JQuery, Java, JavaScript, Git, XML, JSON, API.Experience with PHP frameworks, including Symphony, CodeIgniter, SLiM. Familiarity with creating user-friendly and easy-to-navigate web pages.Ability to create user guides and help files.bility to effectively communicate, and work with team members.Self-directed, willingness to learn and adapt.Excellent communication skills in English (spoken/written). A good knowledge of the English language, both written and spoken, is required for this the operational needs of the Employer and the people with whom the candidate will interact.Assets:

  • Knowledge of layouts, graphic fundamentals, and print.
  • Good to have experiences in LaTex, Python, Visual Basic, C++.
  • Organizational skills and ability to work under pressure with competing and varying priorities.

Work EnvironmentWhat my role type is:Hybrid- Minimum 3 days onsite with 40 working hours per week.Remote only/on rotation? (Precise working hours)Diversity, Equity & InclusionThe masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.Please note that licenses, permits, certifications or other types or authorizations could be required if the position requires access to controlled data or data subject to any applicable rule or regulation.RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.Privacy Policy and Terms:Click on this to read the Policy and Terms
Pratt & Whitney in Canada is offering an internship opportunity for students pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Computer Engineering. The ideal candidate will work on building and optimizing software tools for aircraft engine control systems. The internship will run from September to December, with a focus on developing user-friendly web interfaces and documenting tool functionalities. The candidate must have experience in various programming languages and frameworks, and be able to work independently. The position requires strong communication skills and a willingness to learn and adapt. The company values diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
Director of Sales – Remote

Job Description

Our client, a leading technology company, is seeking a Director of Sales to join their team. This is a remote position, allowing flexibility for the right candidate. The ideal candidate will be a motivated, results-oriented individual with a proven track record of success in driving sales growth.

– Lead and manage a team of sales professionals, providing guidance and support to help them achieve their targets
– Develop and implement sales strategies to drive revenue growth and meet company objectives
– Identify new business opportunities and build strong relationships with key clients and partners
– Analyze market trends and competitive landscape to inform sales strategies
– Collaborate with internal teams to ensure alignment and execution of sales initiatives
– Monitor and report on sales performance metrics, providing regular updates to senior management

– Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field
– 5+ years of experience in sales leadership roles, preferably in the technology industry
– Proven track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets
– Strong negotiation and communication skills
– Ability to work independently and thrive in a fast-paced environment
– Proficiency in CRM software and other sales tools
– Willingness to travel as needed

If you are a dynamic and results-driven sales leader looking for a new opportunity, we want to hear from you. Please apply with your resume and cover letter today.

Expected salary:

Job date: Sat, 11 May 2024 22:23:49 GMT

Internship-Fall- Oracle Web Based Tool Development – Raytheon Technologies – Mississauga, ON

Company: Raytheon Technologies

Location: Mississauga, ON

Job description: Date Posted: 2024-04-12Country: CanadaLocation: LOC13055 1801Courtney Park Drive,Mississauga,Ontario,L5T 1J3,CanadaPosition Role Type: UnspecifiedWho we are:At Pratt & Whitney, we believe that powered flight has transformed and will continue to transform the world. That’s why we work with an explorer’s heart and a perfectionist’s grit to design, build, and service world’s most advanced aircraft engines. We do this across a diverse portfolio including Commercial Engines, Military Engines, Business Aviation, General Aviation, Regional Aviation, and Helicopter Aviation and as a way of turning possibilities into realities for our customers. This is how we at Pratt & Whitney approach our work, and this is why we are inspired to go beyond.Whether you are currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree, we can help you harness your potential, advance your skills and make the impossible a reality. If you are currently enrolled in a Canadian university, now is the moment to start a career path that can drive impact and innovation for generations to come.At Pratt & Whitney, the difference you make is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond?Internship dates: September 3rd to December 20thLocation: MississaugaCheck out our YouTube channel:Our website:Our expectations:Our Control Systems Engineering team and Tool Development team is seeking fresh insight on how to improve our existing toolset. This tool is currently used across our turbofan, turbojet, turboshaft, and APU lines of engines for designing, verifying, and managing the development of the control system and control system software.The ideal candidate is responsible for

  • Build new content of our software build management / requirement management tool for aircraft engine control systems.
  • Optimize the performance of current tools.
  • Improve GUI for enhancing the user experience.
  • Document the help files for created / optimized tools.

If you are a professional able to work quite independently and have a thorough knowledge of the discipline and the role, we invite you to apply.What your day to day will look like:

  • Exposure to DO-178C software development process
  • Involve in discussions for improvement to organizational processes based on lessons learned through implementation.
  • Work closely with the team, P&WC control system departments and control software departments for proper software implementation and improvement.
  • Brainstorm ideas for possible solutions and improvement.
  • Analyze the feasibility of the possible solutions.
  • Implement the ideas and continuously improve the tools.
  • Document the help files for created / optimized tools.

What you need to be successful:Must haves:

  • Be eligible to work in Canada
  • Be enrolled in a Canadian university throughout your internship
  • Be able to work on-site in the province where you are hired
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in: Computer Science /Software Engineering/Computer Engineering
  • Demonstrated work experience in SQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, D3/JQuery, Java, JaveScript, Git, XML, JSON, API.
  • Experience with PHP frameworks, including Symphony, CodeIgniter, SLiM. Familiarity with creating user-friendly and easy-to-navigate web pages.
  • Ability to create user guides and help files.
  • Ability to effectively communicate, and work with team members.
  • Self-directed, willingness to learn and adapt.
  • Excellent communication skills in English (spoken/written).


  • Knowledge of layouts, graphic fundamentals, and print.
  • Good to have experiences in LaTex, Python, Visual Basic, C++.
  • Organizational skills and ability to work under pressure with competing and varying priorities.

Work EnvironmentWhat my role type is:Hybrid- Minimum 3 days onsite with 40 working hours per week.Diversity, Equity & InclusionThe masculine pronoun is used without discrimination and solely for the purpose of making the text easier to read. P&WC is an equal opportunities employer, seeking to promote diversity and inclusion. We will consider applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of their race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.Please note that licenses, permits, certifications or other types or authorizations could be required if the position requires access to controlled data or data subject to any applicable rule or regulation.RTX is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, age or any other federally protected class.Privacy Policy and Terms:Click on this to read the Policy and Terms
Pratt & Whitney in Canada is seeking interns to work on tool development for aircraft engine control systems. The ideal candidate will build new software tools, optimize existing tools, improve user experience, and document help files. The internship runs from September 3rd to December 20th in Mississauga. Candidates must be enrolled in a Canadian university and have experience in various programming languages. The role is hybrid, requiring a minimum of 3 days onsite per week. Pratt & Whitney promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Job Description

We are looking for a motivated and experienced Account Manager to join our team. In this role, you will be responsible for maintaining and developing strong client relationships to drive revenue growth and increase customer satisfaction. You will work closely with internal teams to ensure customer needs are met and deliver exceptional service.

– Build and maintain relationships with clients to understand their needs and provide solutions
– Identify new business opportunities and generate revenue growth
– Develop account plans and strategies to meet sales targets
– Collaborate with internal teams to deliver high-quality service to clients
– Handle client queries and resolve issues in a timely and professional manner
– Prepare and present reports on account status and sales performance
– Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices to enhance client relationships

– Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or related field
– Proven experience in account management or sales
– Strong communication and interpersonal skills
– Excellent negotiation and problem-solving abilities
– Ability to work independently and as part of a team
– Knowledge of CRM software and Microsoft Office suite

If you are a self-starter with a passion for building relationships and driving business growth, we would love to hear from you. Apply now to join our dynamic team!

Expected salary:

Job date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 01:02:25 GMT

S.i. Systems – Sr Business Analyst with Jira, and confluence, to build process maps and workflows, and expand on detailed business and technical requirements integrating our clients digital asset management tool in ecosystem (Adobe AEM) – Toronto, ON

Company: S.i. Systems

Location: Toronto, ON

Job description: Our client is looking for a Sr Business Analyst with Jira, and confluence, to expand on detailed business and technical requirements and integrate our clients digital asset management tool in ecosystem (Adobe AEM).
The AEM (Assetful) is an Adobe DAM that is now the enterprise asset management platform. It’s stability is a work in progress and several challenges exist to integrate it to existing applications. An additional challenge is migration of assets from existing applications to Assetful. Essentially, the core complexity is conducting integration and migration work in tandem with stabilization.
Must Haves:

  • Own Jira/Kanban board and hold weekly technical review sessions with development and QA teams, ensuring progress and blockers are updated on the tickets
  • Own confluence page for project and ensure technical and design documentation is available and updated
  • Digital asset management platform experience.
  • Expand on detailed business and technical requirements to integrate Assetful and Helios PCS, among other Assetful projects.
  • Interview marketing department stakeholders and build process maps and workflows

Our client is seeking a Sr Business Analyst with experience in Jira, Confluence, and digital asset management platforms, specifically Adobe AEM. The project involves integrating the Adobe DAM into the existing ecosystem and migrating assets from other applications. The analyst will be responsible for managing the Jira/Kanban board, holding weekly technical review sessions, creating and updating project documentation in Confluence, and expanding on detailed business and technical requirements for the integration and migration. They will also interview marketing department stakeholders and build process maps and workflows.
Title: Veterinary Technician

Company: VCA Canada

Location: Toronto, ON

Job Type: Full-time

Job description:
VCA Canada is seeking a full-time Veterinary Technician to join their team at Davisville Animal Clinic. This role will be responsible for various tasks related to patient care, medicine, and surgery. The ideal candidate will have strong communication skills, be a team player and reliable individual.

Key responsibilities:
– Assisting with medical and surgical procedures
– Preparing and maintaining medical equipment and instruments
– Participating in client education and counseling
– Communicating effectively with clients and colleagues
– Providing high standard patient care
– Maintaining accurate patient records
– Monitoring anesthetized patients
– Administering medications and treatments as directed by the veterinarian
– Assisting in inventory management

– Diploma or degree in Veterinary Technology
– Registered or eligible to be registered with OAVT
– Minimum 1 year of experience in a veterinary clinic setting
– Strong interpersonal and communication skills
– Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
– Strong organizational and time management skills

– Competitive wages
– Career development opportunities
– Health and wellness benefits
– Employee discounts

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your resume and cover letter to [email address].

Expected salary:

Job date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 02:11:06 GMT

S.i. Systems – Senior Project Manager to lead implementation of candidate relationship management tool (Workday) for large financial client – Toronto, ON

Company: S.i. Systems

Location: Toronto, ON

Job description: Our client is looking for a Senior Project Manager to lead implementation of candidate relationship management tool… (Workday) for large financial client – 12255 Contract Duration: 1 year Location: Hybrid – twice a week – Toronto Project
Our client is seeking a Senior Project Manager to oversee the implementation of a candidate relationship management tool (Workday) for a large financial client. The contract duration is 1 year and the location is hybrid, with the requirement to be in Toronto twice a week. The project is focused on implementing a new tool for managing candidate relationships.
Senior Software Developer

Toronto, Canada

Job Title: Senior Software Developer

Job Description:

We are looking for a Senior Software Developer to join our team in Toronto. As a Senior Software Developer, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining high-quality software solutions. You will work closely with other developers, product managers, and stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of projects. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in software development, excellent problem-solving skills, and a passion for technology.


– Design, develop, and maintain software solutions
– Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features
– Work with product managers to understand and prioritize requirements
– Write clean, maintainable, and efficient code
– Perform code reviews and provide feedback to other developers
– Troubleshoot, debug, and resolve software defects
– Stay up-to-date with new technologies and best practices


– Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field
– 5+ years of experience in software development
– Proficiency in Java, C++, or other programming languages
– Experience with cloud technologies such as AWS or Azure
– Strong understanding of software development lifecycle
– Excellent communication and teamwork skills

If you are a passionate and experienced Senior Software Developer looking for a new challenge, we would love to hear from you. Apply now!

Expected salary:

Job date: Sun, 04 Feb 2024 03:00:09 GMT

Optalent – Extrusion Tool Room Manager – Ontario

Company: Optalent

Location: Ontario

Job description: Our client, a leader in the automotive manufacturing industry is looking for a talented Extrusion Tool Room Manager… and product trials. Develop detailed project plans and timelines including resource and equipment needs, budgets, outside…
A leader in the automotive manufacturing industry is seeking an experienced Extrusion Tool Room Manager to oversee product trials and develop project plans and timelines. The manager will be responsible for managing resources, equipment needs, budgets, and external collaborations.
We are looking for a reliable and experienced Carpenter to join our team. The Carpenter will be responsible for constructing, installing, and repairing structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, and wallboard. The ideal candidate will have a strong work ethic and excellent carpentry skills. If you are a skilled Carpenter with a keen eye for detail and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment, we want to hear from you.

Expected salary: $100000 – 115000 per year

Job date: Sun, 04 Feb 2024 06:15:22 GMT

Internship-Summer – Software Build Management Tool Design for Aircraft Engine Control Systems: Oracle Web Based Tool Development – Mississauga, ON

Company: Raytheon Technologies

Location: Mississauga, ON

Job description: is on display every day. Just look up. Are you ready to go beyond? Internship dates: May 6th to August 23rd Check out… Canada. Be enrolled in a Canadian university throughout your internship. Be able to work on-site in the province…

Expected salary:

Job date: Sun, 24 Dec 2023 04:53:13 GMT