Communcations Advisor – Federation of Canadian Municipalities – Ottawa, ON

Company: Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Location: Ottawa, ON

Expected salary: $73000 per year

Job date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 22:24:36 GMT

Job description: and Digital Manager, the Communications Advisor plays a key role within the FCM Communications team by developing and leading…. · Assist with FCM’s event promotion and marketing drive, working collaboratively with other FCM units to determine messaging…

Rio Tinto – Intern | Logistic | Winter – Ottawa, ON

Company: Rio Tinto

Location: Ottawa, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 22:27:47 GMT

Job description: Montréal | QCLogistiqueStagiaire – Hiver 2025Si vous voulez piloter un vrai changement, nous avons l’endroit pour le faire. Nos programmes de talents émergents vous permettent de façonner Rio Tinto. Nous voulons que vous fassiez partie de notre équipe pour nous aider à avancer en résolvant les défis émergents de notre époque. Chez Rio Tinto, nous pensons que les meilleures idées naissent en réunissant des personnes aux perspectives différentes pour travailler vers un objectif commun : créer un avenir meilleur.Au sujet du posteNous offrons deux rôles de stage de 8 mois (Janvier à Août) au sein de l’équipe commerciale de Rio Tinto basée à Montréal. Cette opportunité vous donnera l’occasion de comprendre le réseau logistique global permettant à la fabrication nord-américaine d’accéder à une chaîne d’approvisionnement mondiale. Des fournisseurs aux clients, Rio Tinto a une portée très large.Votre contributionPour réussir dans ce poste, le titulaire devra avoir :

  • Complété(e) avec succès au moins une année d’un baccalauréat ou maîtrise en finance, en gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, commerce, ingénierie ou dans un autre domaine connexe
  • Maitriser le français et l’anglais à l’oral et à l’écrit. Rio Tinto est une entreprise mondiale et les fonctions de ce poste exigent une collaboration quotidiennement avec des collègues, des équipes ou des partenaires basés à l’extérieur du Québec
  • Compétences en leadership, envie d’apprendre et préparation aux défis à venir
  • Flexibilité et autonomie
  • Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale, et capacité à travailler en équipe Esprit déterminé de résolution de problèmes
  • Capacité à communiquer avec différents niveaux de direction et à faire des présentations
  • Pour être éligible, vous devez retourner aux études le semestre suivant la période de stage et avoir un droit de travail au Canada.

Ce que nous offrons

  • Environnement de travail axé sur la sécurité de chacun et un environnement de travail inclusif
  • Rémunération concurrentielle
  • Une expérience passionnante et enrichissante
  • Possibilité de nouer des relations avec l’équipe et la communauté Rio Tinto
  • Chance de vous préparer à rejoindre notre programme de développement des nouveaux diplômés

Emplacement du posteNotre bureau de Montréal est un des sièges sociaux de Rio Tinto et soutien les opérations canadiennes, américaines et autres régions mondiales. Il est le siège social mondial de notre groupe de produit aluminium, chef de file de l’industrie et soutien les activités de production de différents matériaux incluant les diamants, cuivre, fer et autres matériaux industriels. En plus des relations d’entreprises, notre bureau de Montréal regroupe d’autres fonctions comme le groupe commercial, les achats, ressources humaines, technologies de l’information et finances.À propos de Rio TintoRio Tinto est un chef de file mondial du secteur des sociétés minières et des matériaux. Nous sommes établis dans 35 pays où nous produisons du minerai de fer, du cuivre, de l’aluminium, des minéraux critiques et d’autres matériaux nécessaires à la transition énergétique mondiale et à la prospérité des personnes, des communautés et des nations. Nous exerçons nos activités depuis 150 ans, en nous appuyant sur les connaissances accumulées au fil des générations et sur les différents continents. Notre mission – trouver de meilleures façons de fournir les matériaux dont le monde a besoin – nous guide dans notre quête d’innovation et d’amélioration continue, dans le but de fabriquer des produits à faibles émissions et répondant aux bonnes normes environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance. Mais comme nous ne pouvons pas y arriver seuls, nous nous attachons à créer des partenariats nous permettant de résoudre des problèmes, de créer des situations mutuellement avantageuses et de saisir des occasions.Chaque voix compteNous sommes déterminés à créer un milieu inclusif où les employés se sentent à l’aise d’être eux-mêmes. Nous souhaitons de plus que chacun ait l’impression que sa voix compte, que toutes les cultures sont respectées et que les points de vue, aussi variés soient-ils, sont non seulement bienvenus, mais également essentiels à notre succès. Nous nous traitons mutuellement avec équité et dignité, sans égard à la race, au genre, à la nationalité, à l’origine ethnique, à la religion, à l’âge, à l’orientation sexuelle ou à tout autre aspect distinctif.Chez Rio Tinto, nous accueillons favorablement et encourageons les candidatures d’Autochtones, de femmes, de membres de la communauté LGBTQ2S+, de travailleurs âgés, de personnes handicapées et de représentants d’origines diverses.Prochaines étapesIl n’y a pas de meilleur moment pour diriger ce changement que les dirigeants de l’avenir, et cela commence par un poste de nouveau diplômé ou de stagiaire à Rio Tinto. Postulez maintenant. Veuillez noter que vous devez répondre à toutes les questions de présélection pour que votre candidature soit prise en compte.Rio Tinto se réserve le droit de la supprimer le poste à tout moment. Par conséquent, si vous souhaitez postuler, veuillez envoyer votre candidature dès que possible.Trouver de meilleures façons de fournir les matériaux dont le monde a besoin.Graduate#FRMontréalLogisticsInternship – Winter 2025If you want to drive real change, we have just the place to do it. Our Internship Program is an opportunity for you to shape Rio Tinto from the inside out. We want you to be part of our team to help take us forward by solving the emerging challenges of our time. At Rio Tinto, we believe the best ideas come from bringing people together with different perspectives to work toward a common goal – to create a better tomorrow.About the roleWe are offering a 8-month internship (with a possibility of 4 month) as part of the Rio Tinto Commercial team based in Montreal. This opportunity will provide you a great opportunity to understand the global logistics network enabling North American manufacturing access to a world supply chain. From suppliers to customers, Rio Tinto has a very large scope.Your contribution

  • At least one year completed* in a bachelor or master’s degree in finance, supply chain management, business, engineering, or another related field
  • Fluent in French and English, both written and spoken. Rio Tinto is a global company and the duties of this position require daily collaboration with colleagues, teams or partners based outside Quebec
  • Leadership skills, eagerness to learn and ready for the challenge ahead
  • Flexibility and autonomy
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, and ability to work in a team
  • Determined problem-solving mindset
  • Ability to communicate with different levels of management and make presentations
  • To be eligible, you must return to school the semester following the internship period and have a right to work in Canada.

What we offer

  • A work environment where safety is always the number one priority
  • A competitive salary
  • Ambitious, enriching and rewarding experience
  • Opportunity to build relationships with the Rio Tinto team and community
  • A great chance to prepare yourself to join our Graduate Development Program

Where you’ll be workingOur Montreal office is a global hub for Rio Tinto and supports operations across Canada, the United States and other parts of the world. It is the headquarters for our industry leading aluminium business and supports operations that produce a range of other materials including diamonds, copper, iron ore and industrial minerals. As well as Corporate Relations, our Montreal office includes corporate support functions such as Commercial, Procurement, HR, IS&T, and Finance.About Rio TintoRio Tinto is a leading global mining and materials company. We operate in 35 countries where we produce iron ore, copper, aluminium, critical minerals, and other materials needed for the global energy transition and for people, communities, and nations to thrive. We have been mining for 150 years and operate with knowledge built up across generations and continents. Our purpose is finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs – striving for innovation and continuous improvement to produce materials with low emissions and to the right environmental, social and governance standards. But we can’t do it on our own, so we’re focused on creating partnerships to solve problems, create win-win and meet opportunities.Every Voice MattersWe particularly welcome and encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples, women, the LGBTI+ community, mature workers, people with disabilities and people from different cultural backgrounds.We are committed to an inclusive environment where people feel comfortable to be themselves. We want our people to feel that all voices are heard, all cultures respected and that a variety of perspectives are not only welcome -they are essential to our success. We treat each other fairly and with dignity regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or anything else that makes us different.Next stepsThere’s no better time to lead this change than the leaders of the future, and it starts with a position as a new graduate or intern at Rio Tinto. Apply now. Please note that you must complete all screening questions to be considered.Rio Tinto reserves the right to withdraw your application at any time. Therefore, if you wish to apply, please send your application as soon as possible.Finding better ways to provide the materials the world needs.Graduate#FR

Construction Project Manager – ICI – GTA – Michael Page – Mississauga, ON

Company: Michael Page

Location: Mississauga, ON

Expected salary: $110000 – 120000 per year

Job date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 02:18:04 GMT

Job description: The Project Manager is responsible for planning, executing and finalizing projects within budget while adhering… and deliverables that support business goals. The Project Manager will develop project plans and associated communications documents…

Business Excellence Director – Allergan Aesthetics – Markham, ON

Company: Allergan Aesthetics

Location: Markham, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 22:28:28 GMT

Job description: framework, and leading Omnichannel and digital capabilities. Cascade & operationalize the International Business Excellence… and agility Segmentation & Targeting – Collaborate with marketing to research, develop and define the strategy to profile…

Cargill – Business Management Intern – Canada – Woodstock, ON – Lethbridge, AB

Company: Cargill

Location: Woodstock, ON – Lethbridge, AB

Expected salary:

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 22:39:36 GMT

Job description: Cargill’s size and scale allows us to make a positive impact in the world. Our purpose is to nourish the world in a safe, responsible and sustainable way.
We are a family company providing food, ingredients, agricultural solutions and industrial products that are vital for living. We connect farmers with markets so they can prosper. We connect customers with ingredients so they can make meals people love. And we connect families with daily essentials — from eggs to edible oils, salt to skincare, feed to alternative fuel. Our 160,000 colleagues, operating in 70 countries, make essential products that touch billions of lives each day. Join us and reach your higher purpose at Cargill.Internship RoleTo be considered for employment, candidates must apply online and complete the entire application process. Complete applications are required prior to participating in an interview process. Click the link below to directly access the position application.Internships at CargillGain real experience. Learn from the best. See how your work matters.Our internships are designed to prepare you for your career journey, not a final destination. When you join our team, you are welcomed into a community committed to providing you with a safe environment to learn, grow and cultivate your skills. With our expansive learning resources, our well-respected leaders, and our carefully curated development courses, you will be equipped to confidently solve tomorrow’s global issues. And, truthfully, our future relies on you. Your innovative minds, your intentional collaboration, and your sincere desire to nourish the world. Your work may be local, but at Cargill, your impact will be global. Join our community to cultivate your curiosity, develop meaningful relationships and propel your career.Business Management Internship – CanadaAs a Business Management Intern, you will gain hands-on experience and see what working at Cargill is really like. Interns will be exposed to Cargill’s Animal Nutrition business and given a chance to demonstrate how you may fit within our organization. Business Management Interns will be exposed to a wide variety of challenging aspects of the business including: Strategic Pricing, Supply Chain, Commodity Merchandising, Feed Formulation, Sourcing and Data and Business Analytics.After completion of a successful internship, your career path can lead to key individual contributor or supervisory positions within Cargill Animal Nutrition along with additional corporate opportunities. Cargill also offers you the flexibility to move into sales, production management, or special project assignments based on your interest and personal skill development plan. Career advancement will include relocation based on the availability of openings at our multiple locations across Canada. Leaders like you are our future. Let us take you there.Your WorkIn addition to daily responsibilities, a significant project will be assigned at the beginning of the internship. The project will build exposure to a variety of work and cross functional teams. Our interns may have accountability or shared accountability for the following:

  • Strategic Pricing
  • Supply Chain Strategy & Execution
  • Feed Formulation
  • Commodity Merchandising, Trading, Risk Management, and Sourcing
  • Data and Business Analytics
  • Business Financials
  • Employee Engagement
  • Plant Operations
  • Customers and Business Culture

Our Programming:

  • With comprehensive learning resources at your disposal, you can take your learning in any direction.
  • As employees, interns receive access to volunteer and community outreach opportunities and paid time off for volunteer activities.
  • Throughout the internship, interns and co-ops are invited to participate in events that will give exposure to leadership, provide development opportunities, and offer the ability to network with cross-functional interns/co-ops across the Canada and the U.S.

Internship details:

  • Internships are typically 16 weeks in duration.
  • Interns are paid hourly for time worked.
  • Interns are responsible for transportation to and from work.
  • Interns who demonstrate outstanding performance and a curiosity to learn more may be offered an internship or full-time position to return the following year.

Our Benefits:No matter who you are or where you are, we have resources to meet your needs. As an intern, you’ll have access to a wide variety of programs to support you and help you succeed. Eligible programs and incentives include:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing program
  • Digital Learning Library
  • Housing and Relocation Assistance for those that qualify (based on mileage)

Our Network:Your development is our priority. With our outstanding global network, you will establish relationships, acquire mentors, and build your professional contacts. Our program encourages and orchestrates networking opportunities that will benefit you now and in your future career. During the internship, you will also receive consistent support from university recruiting staff, mentors, colleagues, and your supervisor.Our Vibrant Community:At Cargill, you will be a part of our vibrant global community with a culture that celebrates diversity. This is a reflection of the clients we serve and generates an intellectually diverse set of employees. Business Resource Groups help us embrace our diversity, make our culture more inclusive and enhance our employees’ outstanding talents and perspectives to benefit our organization and employees.Job Location:

  • Lethbridge, Alberta or Woodstock, Ontario
  • Office setting

Required Qualifications:

  • Pursuing a Bachelors degree or diploma from an accredited program in supply chain, operations, business, sales, finance, agribusiness, business analytics, animal science, economics, ag-economics, leadership studies or related degree; and graduating between December 2025 – August 2027
  • Proven ability to work optimally with individuals from a diverse set of backgrounds and cultures
  • Candidates must be geographically flexible and willing to relocate for an internship opportunity anywhere in Canada.
  • Able to complete a 16-week internship in the summer (May – August 2025)
  • Must possess a high degree of initiative and resourcefulness in completing work with limited guidance
  • Must be legally entitled to work for Cargill in Canada

Preferred Qualifications

  • Geographically flexible and willing to relocate
  • Previous experience in agriculture, supply chain, sales, finance or business analytics

Cargill is an equal opportunity employer and committed to providing accommodation to our job applicants with disabilities.

Senior Customer Service Representative – Montgomery Place, London (30 hrs/week): Scotiabank – Scotiabank – London, ON

Company: Scotiabank

Location: London, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 01:28:31 GMT

Job description: Have experience with conducting simple sales, proactive marketing calls and providing financial advice Have strong technical skills…, able to promote and demonstrate the use of digital/self-service banking options Previous banking experience…

Amazon – Software Development Engineer – Toronto, ON

Company: Amazon

Location: Toronto, ON

Expected salary:

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 23:08:27 GMT

Job description: DESCRIPTIONUse your expert technical skills and experience to deliver state of the art survey technology!Our vision is to deliver a central product suite that every Amazonian uses for surveying. We drive faster decision making on a broader set of employee sentiment, raise the bar on survey quality, and reduce the time spent surveying Amazonians.As a Software Development Engineer you will have technical ownership of the development of critical parts of this system. You will create innovative survey technology at Amazon scale. You’ll join a talented and nimble team of engineers and create ways to streamline delivery. Successful candidates will be strong SDEs who can prioritize well, communicate clearly, and have a consistent track record of delivery.You will drive architectural and design choices, invent new features, develop distributed services, and build a scalable, service-oriented survey product. We have a team culture that encourages innovation and we expect developers and management alike to take a high level of ownership for the product vision, technical architecture, and project delivery.In this role you will:
– Work with technical leaders across the org to deliver large distributed projects to delight our customers
– Write high-quality, efficient, testable code
– Build highly available, secure systems
– Find out what it takes to engineer systems for “Amazon Scale”
– Collaborate with some of the best engineers in the industry
– Own and operate the systems that you build
– Contribute to planning, design, implementation, testing, release, operations, and process improvement as a member of the team
– Get firsthand experience engineering with AWS services such as Glue, Athena, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB and othersWe offer opportunities for builders to build and make history!BASIC QUALIFICATIONS– 3+ years of non-internship professional software development experience
– 2+ years of non-internship design or architecture (design patterns, reliability and scaling) of new and existing systems experience
– Experience programming with at least one software programming languagePREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS– Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent
– 3+ years of full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations experience
– 2+ years of big data technologies such as AWS, Hadoop, Spark, Pig, Hive, Lucene/SOLR or Storm/Samza experienceAmazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or other legally protected status. If you would like to request an accommodation, please notify your Recruiter.

Senior Project Manager, Rail Signals & Communications – AECOM – Mississauga, ON

Company: AECOM

Location: Mississauga, ON

Expected salary: $105000 – 165000 per year

Job date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 05:05:28 GMT

Job description: . Join us. Job Description AECOM is currently seeking a Rail Signal Project Manager Senior Project Manager, Rail Signals & Communications… your career in multiple directions. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Lead project pursuits and prepare…